Our Story: Pursuing the Early Church Model

As I fell in love with Jesus, I fell in love with his Church.
— Jason Shepperd

The Church we see in scripture was beautiful, powerful, simple, and available for all. It was an easily replicable movement. It was durable, outlasting and thriving through persecution and pandemic. From its start when 3,000 were saved, the Church met in large groups with organized leadership as well as in decentralized House Churches all throughout the city. However, as time went on, this structure of the Church changed.

The Church became Clergified, Centralized, and Costly.

  • The ‘priesthood of all believers’ and role of pastoring was limited to only a select and elevated few

  • Discipleship and pastoral functions became building and program dependent

  • Buildings became ‘sacred’, with a disproportionate dependence on staff and costly programs

In response and an over-reaction:
Churches then became Isolated, Unstructured, and Short-lived.

  • Isolated groups without any connectivity and no collective power

  • Unstructured lacking unified leadership and direction

  • Short-lived groups without years of proven longevity

A Biblical, Simple, and Relevant Pursuit of Church.

Falling in love with the Church of the Bible, but convicted about the culture and structure of the modern church, Church Project began in 2010, with 40 people, and has grown to over 120 House Churches, helped plant 13 Church Projects, representing more than 10,000 people, and has helped redirect over $8 million dollars to church plants and ministry partners.

As a result, we began House Church Network to help churches implement the biblical model of becoming a Church of House Churches.

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Whether you are a church planter or an existing church, we are here to help you become a Church of House Churches.